Join Us Live at RenVC
Located at 1841 Pinecrest Drive.
Ferndale, MI. 48220
Renaissance Vineyard Church Community
We deeply value relationships. The church is not a building. Our church is a community of people. A community that exists for the sake of the larger community. We are loving, imperfect people from a diverse set of backgrounds. We seek to create environments where we can connect casually with profound realities, where both tears and laughter (along with a good cup of coffee) are encouraged, in ways that are spiritually meaningful without being overly religious.

You Are Welcome
No matter what your background is, or where you’re at in your thinking about God, you are welcome to join us.
Our facility is a 100-year-old vintage church building, with all the old wood intact. Ushers are on hand to point the way to the sanctuary, restrooms, children’s ministry, or anywhere else you’re headed. Be sure to pick up a cup of fresh coffee in the café. You’ll find the atmosphere welcoming and festive, with plenty of laughter.
The service lasts no more than 90 minutes and you’re welcome to linger before and/or after.

Discover Renaissance
We crafted this piece of art several years ago. The colors are a little off and the lines don’t quite match up. But we can still tell who it is, can’t we? It is an image of Jesus. Our church is just like that as we pursue Jesus at the center. Our colors aren’t the same and not all of our lines match up. Some of us may be brighter, others faded. But when we’re together, everyone who looks can clearly see Jesus. Together, as a church, we are an image of Jesus to one another and the world. Curious to learn more? Join us for our three-week “Discover Renaissance” Dinner & Discover groups. We host them three times a year. It’s a great next step to meet new people and learn more about the church.

Life Circles
We believe life is best lived in circles, more than rows. Human beings are designed for relationship. We thrive when we are part of a caring, supportive community. Yet, it can be really hard to find that kind of community, right? Life Circles are great places to make friends. They are gatherings of about 8-15 people who meet regularly to care for and support one another.
While each group is unique, they share much in common. Each group is facilitated by a trained leader. The group will take time to read the Bible and discuss applying faith to our everyday lives. There are opportunities for prayer and connecting with God.
Renaissance Vineyard Church Serving
Serving others is one of the main ways that we learn to be like Jesus. If you call RVC your church home, we encourage you to find a place to serve and use your gifts. There are many opportunities to use your gifts to serve others such as Vineyard Kids, Vineyard Teens, our A/V team, music team, hospitality team and more.Are you looking for a way to volunteer and give back to the community? Or maybe you’ve got some community service hours? We would love to help you. We have plenty of avenues for service that fit a wide variety of skill sets: help in our food pantry, building cleaning, office help, and more. Whether you need just an hour or two, something more, or recurring hours, we can offer you service opportunities in a relaxed environment.Call the church office at 248.545.4664 and ask how you can help serve. To register for any of our events/serving opportunities please sign up here.
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We Believe There’s Strength in Partnership
Whether you’re an individual looking to volunteer in one of our ministry initiatives or an organization looking to partner with us in blessing the community, click on the link below to learn how we can serve the city and world together.